Ever since I heard the words "Deep Brain Stimulation" for the second time from a second doctor, I have been reserching it a lot. As much as I want to know everything possible about it before I go through with it, I don't know if it is such a good idea to be watching videos of it. I watched a show the other day about a girl with dystonia who had DBS. Her's was much worse than mine but her hand looked very similar. They showed her in surgery and when they told her to move her hand, she just opened it. It was a miracle. Although she's not cured, she can now do so many things she never thought she'd be able to do again. My left foot is now pretty much curled in most of the time. I can still walk but it turns in. I have spasms so frequently that I just don't bother mentioning it anymore. It's very annoying. My neck also twitches now to the left at times, mostly when I'm stressed out or thinking about this surgery!! Well, I'm going to MA a...
My life-long battle with Dystonia