Last week, Dr, Novak turned my DBS on. I didn't have any improvement but I also didn't have any side effects. He moves slow because they cant turn it too high in one visit. I went back on Monday and he turned up the right side (left side of my body) to 4.5V and the left side to 4.2V. As I said before, my left hand opened last time when the voltage was at 4.5. This time, my right hand was much looser and I could move it a little but my left hand was still pretty tight. I'm not that familiar with the settings of the DBS, so Im not sure what he had that at. I went back and saw him again yesterday. He turned both sides up then had me wait a half hour to make sure I didnt have any side effects. He then turned it up again, had me wait, then turned it up again. At the end of last programming for the day, both hands were moving pretty good. I can now just about open my right hand almost all the way. My left hand is much looser a...