On the morning of February 3rd, I had a little cramping but nothing worse then I had been having. I decided to go grocery shopping and get some things to eat during the superbowl. While I was at market basket I started having contractions that I couldnt walk or talk through. I had a few that were three minutes apart but they didnt seem that regular. I text Ryan and said "today is the day" kind of joking around. I finished shopping and headed home. When I got home, I made buffalo chicken dip and sat down with Ryan and had some. I didnt have a change in appetite or anything so I didnt really think I was in labor. I started having more painful contractions that hurt more in my sides and back which made me think something might be starting. The contractions I had before were just in my lower abdomen. I started timing the contractions and they were about 8 minutes apart and before long I was on my hands and knees in pain....
My life-long battle with Dystonia