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Showing posts from August, 2014

Awareness is KEY

How many of you know what 22Q is?  How many of you know what dystonia is?  Its likely that many of you only know these terms because you know me... or my son.  Do you know what they mean? What kinds of symptoms you get with them? Again, probably only because you either follow my blog, know my family, or have these things in your own family.  How many of you know what cancer is?  Probably every single one of you.  How many of you know what ALS is?  Anyone who has had faceook in the last month must know due to the ice bucket challenge. Dystonia is rare.  I had no idea what it was until I was diagnosed, about 7 years ago.  22Q is more common than you would think but still, I didn't know what it was until my son was diagnosed about 16 months ago.  Cancer is something we hear about, we see and we've learned about through awareness and knowing people affected.  It is so amazing how much support people get and how much awareness is out...