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Showing posts from December, 2017

Staying Positive

Often times we take for granted the amazing things in life.  The feeling of being in love, the confidence when you get your license, graduating from high school or college and the magical feeling of Christmas morning.  More times than not, we rush through life just to take up time while always "waiting" for the next big thing. It's been a long time since I have just enjoyed a typical day.  I was always stressed out and couldn't wait until bed time just to get to the next day to do the same thing all over again.  It was a habit, it was a routine, it was life...but it wasn't fun.  I was recently introduced to happiness again.  I have learned to enjoy the sunrise every morning, take my time and enjoy every day with my children.  I love watching the snow fall and how beautiful the trees look the morning after a storm. The last few months have been excruciating but filled with happiness at the same time.  I decided a while ago that I was ...