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Showing posts from August, 2018

Look for the good in every day

Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. Recently, my days have been hard and painful and its hard to stay positive but I have been trying very hard to find the good in every situation, even when it feels impossible.  Back in October, when my dystonia symptoms started to flare up, I got discouraged but I had hope that things would get better.  When the tingling in my head started and I had to shut my DBS off, I got scared and lost most of my positive attitude.  When I had surgery in March, the tingling went away and once again I had hope.  Unfortunately, that surgery didn't work and I was right back where I started, but without that feeling in my head. I tried to stay positive over the months, I called my doctor daily and I researched answers and treatments.  Slowly I began to get discouraged again.  I got tired of being in pain and tired of spending every day all day on the phone and realized I w...