Leading up to my surgery, I had some of the worst dreams that I didn’t want to share until it was over. Every day, I thought something was going to prevent me from having this surgery done. I had this sick feeling deep in my stomach that something would go wrong. And when nothing happened in the days leading me to surgery, I thought for sure something was going to happen in the OR. Last Sunday night, at the hotel in Albany, I don’t think I slept more than 20 minutes. I got up before my alarm, took a hot bath and prepared myself for this. I felt this feeling of excitement that the day was finally here but also a feeling of panic. I met with my surgeon and two other surgeons helping her, a few nurses, and 2 or 3 anesthesiologists. Each one had different information that I tried to absorb but thinking back now I don’t think I understood a single thing any of them said. They finally were ready to bring me into the OR and I couldn’t have anything to relax me because it may interfe...
My life-long battle with Dystonia