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Showing posts from April, 2023

Why I walk

  For some reason I don’t remember a lot about my childhood. But, I remember being sick a lot. I remember when my friends were outside playing, I was sometimes laying on the couch with a nauseating headache and a tickle in my throat. I remember even when I felt ok I still had a cough and when my mom would bring me out in public everyone would stare at me and be afraid they would get it. Nothing I had was ever contagious though. I was tested for whooping cough more than once and it was never positive but I still had to be out of school for days to wait for the results. I remember when I was in second grade I had to have an MRI of my brain because my headaches were so bad. I used to tell my mom it felt like there were marbles rolling around in there or someone inside my head with a hammer. My mom and dad tried everything to help me, bringing me to many doctors and even health food stores to find out I had a sensitivity to dairy.    When I was 12 I started having different s...