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Showing posts from October, 2011

Bad News

i am starting to have anxiety.  i hate everything about dystonia.  i hope everyone who reads this can help me promote awareness and help to find a cure.  i am thinking of finding a walk or something to take part in, would anyone be interested in joining me?  things are getting worse by the day.  my back gets stuck now and wakes me up alot at night.  last week two fingers curled in on my right hand and have not released.  it makes me sick.  i cant do anything.  its so hard to lift hailey, to get her dressed, to cook and clean and do normal things a stay at home mom does.  its ridiculous.  sometimes my hips and legs hut so bad i feel like by next week i could be in a wheelchair.  i dont really know whats happening with my surgerym, i guess they still havents heard from my insurance and the frame to hold my head in place hasnt arrived yet.  another thing to make me sick.  ugh.  if they cant do it november 17th...


The last few days have been difficult for me.  My right leg and my right hand keep acting up on me.  I originally had the dystonia only on my left side and now I am starting to getting real worried about it attacking my left side as well.  On the bright side, UMASS called me to schedule a brain MRI so I am assuming the insurance company ok'd my surgery.  If so, it will be in NY on November 17th.  I will be going there and staying in a hotel the night before the surgery and will probably be there for 3 to 4 days after before I head home.  As of right now, my parents will be going with me to help out with Hailey.   Speaking of Hailey... She is one now!  I can't believe it!  She is so funny.  She walks all over the place now and loves to shake her head no.  But if I say no to her its a different story!!  haha.  She has hit a shy stage and cries when strangers talk to her or sometimes just look at her!  Hopefully she'll ...