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Showing posts from April, 2012


So I just realized I never posted about my eyes.  Half of you probably think ive gone blind by now.  Anyway, I went to Mass Eye and Ear in Boston a couple weeks ago.  They did a very thorough eye exam as well as a field study.  The field study was very bad... this is what my other doctor had told me too.  This doctor, though, thinks it was bad beeause of my involuntary hand movement.  Maybe I pressed the buttons at the wrong time or something.  In other words, he does not think I am going blind.  I was so scared I was losing my eye sight!!  I do however have facial dystonia that the eye doctor in Boston noticed.  My right eye and right side of my mouth kind of twitch.  Some people may think Im winking at them haha.  This doctor even told me I dont need to wear my glasses all the time...just to drive and watch tv.  Thank goodness!  I am going back in about a week to have a manual field study to see if the results are a...

High Hopes

About a year ago I was preparing myself for a major surgery.  At the end of April, I went to UMASS in worcester to have my DBS.  I was more excited then scared.  Although I would be awake, it would be a long surgery and I would probably have a headache after, I was excited for the results.  The day my hand opened was one of the best days of my life (besides the birth of my baby girl!).  To get an infection and have the device removed was just devastating.  I couldnt believe it.  All my excitement was shot the day my hand curled back in.  I was so upset I didnt want to even speak to anyone.  All I wanted to do was cry. I went back to Florida to be with Ryan until he graduated in August.  After the big move back to MA in September, I began to prepare myself for my second DBS surgery.  This time I was more scared than excited.  I was scared about the surgery because the first one hurt so bad when they put the screws in my head....