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Enjoy every moment of motherhood!!

This morning I woke up to Cody tossing and turning and kicking me in the belly as he quietly whined.  It was 6am and I tried to get him to go back to sleep several times but he wasn't into it. I slowly went downstairs with him, trying to keep him happy and quiet as I got his feeding tube prepared for his first feed of the day, while trying not to wake up Hailey. Within 10 minutes, she was crying "mommy come get me" from upstairs.  I had to put Cody down, finish making his bottle and go get Hailey.  By this time, they were both crying hysterically.
I brought Hailey downstairs and immediately she wanted to get dressed and have a "snack". I changed her, got her breakfast, finally set Cody's feed up and finally got to sit on the couch to watch the news.  "I want to watch frozen!" Hailey cried.  So, frozen it was at 6:30am for the 100th time in a week.

 I managed to talk them into playing in the toy room by 8 and was ready to do my morning workout.  I was at it for about 2 minutes when I heard Hailey and Cody in the kitchen playing in the cabinets.  I paused my workout video to check on them and Cody had dumped out a bag of pretzels and was sitting in the cabinet, while Hailey watched with a poop in her underwear.  So, there goes my workout because now I had to clean up after them and by that time, well, I just didn't feel like it anymore.

I managed to get us all ready and out the door by 10:30 to get to Cody's 15 month doctors appointment.  He had to have 3 shots, so that didn't go well but during it all, Hailey sang "let it go" at the top of her lungs to the doctor and entertained us all.

From there, I decided to try to get in grocery shopping since we had absolutely no food.  Hailey wanted me to carry her through the whole store (which I fought with her about for 5 minutes before giving in because we really needed food).  We got to the second aisle before she started screaming and kicking that she wanted her cup and dora blanket in the store. Out we went, leaving a full carriage of groceries sitting there and me carrying a child on either hip, one of them screaming and kicking.

Once we got to the car, Hailey refused to get into her carseat, so we sat in the car for a half hour while she threw her fit.  Once she calmed down, I really just wanted to go home and forget food all together but then a new tantrum started that she wanted to go back into the store.  So, off we went.  This time, she really wanted to sit in the front of the carriage so I had to carry Cody through the whole store while shopping.  Let's just say, I made it a pretty quick trip once we finally got in there.

So after that, I certainly didn't want to do anything but go home and just sit. But, we had to have lunch and go outside and play and Cody ate some rocks and Hailey pooped in her undies two more times (and now you're thinking "how many times a day does this child poop?) and my hand curled in and I had a splitting headache, and well I just wanted the day to end, but obviously as a mother, you have to put on a smile and keep going along with the day.

This is just a sneak peak into what some of my days are like and this doesn't even include Cody's sicknesses, trips to Boston, etc.  I am not writing this to complain, or for anyone to feel sorry for me.  I am writing this because I love being a mother more than anything. I love staying home with my kids and I love the dirty looks I get from other parents when my 3 year old is throwing a full blown temper tantrum. I love when I am hooking my son up to his feeding tube at a store or at the playground and the stares I get.  Or when people comment because my 15 month old doesnt talk or walk.  I love it when I'm holding Haileys hand down a tiny slide that a 1 year old does by herself and people look at me like she's weird. 

My kids aren't perfect, but they are beautiful. They may not hit milestones when they are "supposed" to but they do it at their own pace.  Hailey may be shy and Cody may talk late but they are so incredibly sweet.  They may both end up in my bed every single night, and I may never get a full night sleep for as long as I live, but that's ok with me.

I never thought I could love two children as much as I love them.  I cannot believe how fast they are growing.  I can't believe Cody is already 15 months old, I feel like I just found out I was pregnant after craving a hotdog (which I normally wouldn't eat!)  And Hailey is starting school in 3 1/2 months, and I have already cried more than once thinking about it. 

Time flies right before your eyes.  Enjoy every second with your children, even when they are screaming, kicking and putting on a show for the whole store.  Ignore people's comments, I find it hard to believe they've never had a toddler that acted like that!  People will judge, let them.  No one can mother your children as good as YOU!


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