Some people say just wake up in the morning and decide to have a good day. Sometimes this is true. Instead of moping and complaining about little things, you can choose to look at life differently, accept the imperfections and just “be happy”. I do think there are many things, though, that make it hard to force yourself to always be in a good mood. Getting rest… sometimes it’s hard because life is busy but sleeping a proper amount is so important for your health and happiness. Our diets also impact how we feel. Healthy eating will give you more energy, less bloating and overall just make you feel better. But, the number one thing that affects my mood is pain. Every single day I try to push through it, I try to “live” like I would if the pain wasn’t there. When I do this, I end up taking 2-3 days off from doing anything because that one day I felt motivated, I did too much. The frustration I have is so intense it sometimes makes me angry and in a bad mood. I want to ...
My life-long battle with Dystonia